Date and Time of Disclosure: 23 May 2024 10:02 Hours | Operator: CATS North Sea Limited | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 07 June 2024 06:00 Hours | Expected Day Back: 27 June 2024 06:00 Hours | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Terminal and Pipeline
Date and Time of Disclosure: 24 February 2023 12:18 Hours | Operator: CATS North Sea Limited | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 24 February 2020 00:10 Hours | Expected Day Back: 24 February 2023 18:00 Hours | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Terminal and Pipeline
Date and Time of Disclosure: 08 October 2020 16:30 Hours | Operator: CATS North Sea Limited | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 08 October 2020 09:35 Hours | Expected Day Back: 08 October 2020 23:59 Hours | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Terminal and Pipeline
Date and Time of Disclosure: 24 March 2020 13:00 Hours | Operator: CATS North Sea Limited | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 26 March 2020 06:00 Hours | Expected Day Back: 27 March 2020 14:00-16:00 Hours | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Terminal and Pipeline
Date and Time of Disclosure: 20 November 2018 | Operator: CATS North Sea Limited | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 August 2019 | Expected Day Back: 10 August 2019 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 25 June 2016 | Operator: CATS North Sea Limited | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 6 June 2016 | Expected Day Back: 26 June 2016 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Processing Plant
Date and Time of Disclosure: 25 June 2016 | Operator: CATS North Sea Limited | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 6 June 2016 | Expected Day Back: 24 June 2016 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Pipeline and Reception Facilities
Date and Time of Disclosure: 31 March 2016 | Operator: CATS North Sea Limited | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 6 June 2016 | Expected Day Back: 1 July 2016 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Terminal and Pipeline
Date and Time of Disclosure: 05 February 2016 | Operator: CATS North Sea Limited | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 6 June 2016 | Expected Day Back: 6 July 2016 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Terminal and Pipeline
Date and Time of Disclosure: 31 July 2015 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 June 2016 | Expected Day Back: 1 July 2016 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Terminal and Pipeline
Date and Time of Disclosure: 26 March 2015 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 8 December 2014 | Expected Day Back: 31 March 2015 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 26 February 2015 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 8 December 2014 | Expected Day Back: towards the end of March 2015 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 12 December 2014 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 8 December 2014 | Expected Day Back: not yet known | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 31 July 2014 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 November 2014 | Expected Day Back: 2 December 2014 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 31 July 2014 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 August 2014 | Expected Day Back: 15 August 2014 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 9 September 2013 10:22 | Reference: 2013/006 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 9 September 2013 | Expected Day Back: 10 September 2013 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Terminal and CATS Pipeline
Date and Time of Disclosure: 28 August 2013 18:20 | Reference: 2013/005 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 August 2013 | Expected Day Back: 28 August 2013 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 27 August 2013 17:48 | Reference: 2013/004 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 August 2013 | Expected Day Back: 27 August 2013 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 20 May 2013 16:00 | Reference: 2013/003 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 August 2013 | Expected Day Back: 26 August 2013 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 27 February 2013 17:00 | Reference: 2013/002 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 August 2013 | Expected Day Back: 15 September 2013 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 12 February 2013 11:50 | Reference: 2013/001 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 21 February 2013 | Expected Day Back: 23 February 2013 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 30 October 2012 17:50 | Reference: 2012/010 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 18 November 2012 | Expected Day Back: 19 November 2012 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 22 October 2012 16:50 | Reference: 2012/009 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 10 November 2012 | Expected Day Back: 11 November 2012 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 2 October 2012 19:00 | Reference: 2012/008 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 June 2016 | Expected Day Back: 1 July 2016 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Terminal and CATS Pipeline
Date and Time of Disclosure: 2 October 2012 19:00 | Reference: 2012/007 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 August 2015 | Expected Day Back: 2 August 2015 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 2 October 2012 19:00 | Reference: 2012/006 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 August 2014 | Expected Day Back: 2 August 2014 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 2 October 2012 19:00 | Reference: 2012/004 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 3 June 2013 | Expected Day Back: 28 June 2013 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Processing Terminal
Date and Time of Disclosure: 2 October 2012 19:00 | Reference: 2012/005 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 July 2013 | Expected Day Back: 15 August 2013 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 5 March 2012 17:10 | Reference: 2012/001 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 June 2016 | Expected Day Back: 21 June 2016 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Terminal and CATS Pipeline
Date and Time of Disclosure: 5 March 2012 17:10 | Reference: 2012/002 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 June 2013 | Expected Day Back: 24 June 2013 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Riser Platform
Date and Time of Disclosure: 5 March 2012 17:10 | Reference: 2012/003 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company, LLC | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 3 June 2013 | Expected Day Back: 23 June 2013 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Processing Terminal and CATS Pipeline
Date and Time of Disclosure: 20 December 2011 19:00 | Reference: 2011/001 | Operator: Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company | Terminal: CATS | Expected Day Off: 1 June 2013 | Expected Day Back: 21 June 2013 | Expected Availability: Zero availability of CATS Processing Terminal
The availability record of CATS is exemplary, delivering an average annual availability over the past 10 years of (including planned and unplanned downtime):
The availability record for unplanned outages only, over the same period, is:
To further improve our availability to customers, CATS operates a non-intrusive inspection philosophy as part of a comprehensive Integrity Management Scheme.
We aspire to use this work to justify increasing the duration between shutdowns for visual inspection while continuing to maintain the plant to exacting standards and meeting our legal and regulatory obligations in this respect.
The CATS pipeline has six subsea tees. Entry to the CATS system can be offered via a flanged entry point on one of the six subsea tees on the pipeline, at the CATS riser platform, or via one of the existing CATS hubs, subject to agreement with the hub owner.
Details of the typical gas entry specification and product specifications for CATS can be found in the CATS Technical Brochure, download below:
CATS Technical Brochure March 2025
Prior to entry works commencing, all appropriate regulatory, HSE and legal requirements must be met. The minimum requirements are summarised as follows:
OGA Pipeline Works Authorisation for subsea pipeline tie-in design and installation will include all associated consents and permits, both for the new third-party pipeline connecting to the CATS pipeline and any agreed modifications to the CATS system:
Agreement between all Shippers:
Agreements between CATS Parties and individual Shippers:
Agreements between CATS Parties and individual Shippers:
Agreement between CATS Parties, Shippers and Host Platform Owners:
The CATS system carries natural gas from various points in the North Sea to the CATS terminal at Seal Sands, Teesside.
Natural gas delivered into the CATS system at the CATS system offshore riser platform (CRP) or other points of entry along the pipeline (the CATS pipeline) is redelivered to CATS system users at specified redelivery points located at the CATS terminal.
Further technical details on the CATS system can be found in the CATS Technical brochure, download here:
CATS Technical Brochure March 2025
View the CATS system animation on our Media page.
In accordance with the Infrastructure Code of Practice (ICOP), CATS publishes short summaries of concluded agreements. You can find such published terms below.
The following are available to download as PDF documents:
Montrose Arbroath ESA Published Terms (2005)
Montrose Arbroath TPA Published Terms (2005)
CATS Everest & Lomond Gas Processing (2008, fixed 1 year term)
Everest & Lomond Gas Transportation (2008, now superseded)
Everest & Lomond Gas Transport & Processing (2008)
CATS J-Block Gas Processing (2008, fixed 1 year term)
CATS J-Block Gas Processing (Reasonable Endeavors) (2009)
CATS J Area Gas Processing (2010)
CATS Pi Gas Transport & Processing (2010)
CATS Huntington ESA Published Terms (2011)
CATS Huntington Gas Transport & Processing (2011)
CATS Stella Transportation Published Terms (2012)
CATS Stella ESA Published Terms (2012)
CATS Jasmine Transportation (2013)
CATS Jade Transportation (2013)
CATS Kinnoull Transport & Processing (2014)
CATS Culzean Transport & Processing (2015)
CATS Montrose Arbroath Area Transportation and Processing (2016)
The CATS Standard Terms set indicative commercial terms on which CATS Parties are prepared to negotiate with the gas owners (shippers) for CATS to transport and process the gas – subject to approval from the respective boards of directors.
It is not intended to be an offer capable of acceptance or to create any legally binding arrangement or obligation.
Matters remain on a subject-to-contract basis unless and until legally binding agreements are executed.
Any discussions on these non-binding terms will be on the understanding that any negotiations and eventual agreement will need to satisfy all regulatory and legal requirements.
When agreed, these commercial terms will be embodied in a fully termed transportation and processing agreement.
CATS Parties may revise, update or replace any or all of the standard terms from time to time.
Additionally, the CATS System offers a number of key benefits to potential customers, including:
The CATS Parties unanimously support the Infrastructure Code of Practice and the Commercial Code of Conduct and are committed to supporting the development of fields in the North Sea.
Prospective Shippers, who are interested in receiving terms and conditions specific to their development, should contact the CATS Commercial Team at:
This application should provide information regarding the services requested, gas profiles, gas specification and amount of capacity required.
Following receipt of applications, providing the application is a bona fide request for provision of terms for transportation and processing services, and providing there is sufficient relevant information supplied, we would anticipate responding within 10 working days.
We welcome the opportunity to speak with all prospective customers.
The CATS Standard Transportation and Processing Agreement is based around two key components:
(i) Section I - Form of Agreement (Specific Terms)
Each new field is different and sometimes requires an individual commercial solution depending on the nature of service required. We have grouped together the key commercial terms, that may vary from field to field, into a simple streamlined document that can be negotiated and drafted simply and quickly.
(ii) Section II - Conditions of Contract (General Terms)
The CATS System is a large integrated gas transportation and processing system which offers its transportation and/or processing services to a number of Shippers. Based on our experience and our varying commitments, this agreement details the general terms, conditions and procedures, applicable to all shippers, that have been developed over time to ensure the safe, efficient and sustainable operation and management of the CATS System. A copy of the CATS Standard Section II – Conditions of Contract for the Transportation and Processing Agreement can be downloaded below.
Download CATS Standard II Conditions of Contract for the Transportation & Processing Agreement
Indicative Terms and Conditions for the processing of gas by CATS are available by contacting Kellas Midstream Limited.
The CATS Partners have developed indicative Small Fields terms, including no send or pay and a flexible capacity booking mechanism to enable prospective customers with small gas volumes to access the UK gas market through the CATS System.
These terms have been designed specifically to meet the needs of new developments with total reserves of less than 50 mmboe and gas reserves of less than 10 mmboe. They are available for new customers seeking a transportation and processing service and entering CATS via any of the CATS Ts, the CATS Riser Platform or via an existing hub platform (subject to the necessary agreements with the appropriate field owners).
6th Floor, The Capitol
431 Union St
AB11 6DA
Tel: +44 (0) 1224 084520
To report a pipeline emergency please call +44 (0)1642 546404 and ask for the Operations team.