Kellas unveils Gas Facts, highlighting the role of UK gas in the energy transition

Kellas has today published a factsheet about UK domestically-produced gas, highlighting its pivotal role in the nation’s energy landscape as a vital transition fuel.

The data-driven Gas Facts document presents publicly available information in a succinct series of key messages and charts, and underscores Kellas’ firm belief that a responsibly managed energy transition can only be achieved with UK domestic gas at the heart of our energy system.

Read Gas Facts

Gas Facts focuses on two themes: gas as a vital transition fuel; and the advantages of UK-produced gas versus imports. The main takeaways are:

  • Gas heats 80% of UK homes, and generates 30% of UK electricity
  • Domestically produced gas equals lower emissions, more control, more jobs and higher tax revenue
  • Gas is a highly flexible energy source supporting wind and solar power generation
  • Current UK gas production is less than 50% of UK gas demand – and is declining fast
  • Gas imports will soon dominate UK supply, and LNG imports have far higher supply emissions
  • Norwegian gas will decline from 2035 and has strategic customers to serve in the EU
  • To reduce imports, the UK could invest to produce more gas between 2027-2045
  • New UK gas fields can be low in emissions, even lower than Norway
  • Gas is unlocking investment in low emissions hydrogen in the UK’s industrial clusters like Teesside

As the operator of nationally-significant North Sea midstream infrastructure, Kellas plays a key role in maintaining UK energy security, transporting and processing around 40% of UK gas production, safely and reliably.

Gas Facts demonstrates why domestically-produced gas is a more sustainable, secure and economically beneficial option for the UK compared to relying too heavily on LNG imports which have a higher carbon intensity and can present a risk to energy security.

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